Thursday, June 9, 2016

Thursday: Class and Homework

We did have class, but I only spent a few minutes on homework.

Right after class I went with Kim to a market others in the group had said was good, Camden Market. It was a fun time. I actually spent some money because I found a dress for £5 and bargained 3 necklaces for £15.

Stable Market - Real Stables converted into a market
Besides Camden High Street had some very unusual and eye-catching store fronts.

A Yoda street performer - he is balancing only with the pole

On the way home we passed through Covent Garden again. This is an older sign in the tube:

Does this mean I'm stuck down here?!?

After that I did laundry and posted. Pictures are still coming - I am just sorting them right now.

So what do you think?