Thursday, June 9, 2016

Monday: Return trip to Kew Gardens

We went back to the Royal Botanical Gardens in Kew! Hooray!! I bought a small blanket there and a few of us read the text of Richard III while sitting on the grass on the bank of a lake. Idyllic. We only got through the first three acts, but it was so worth it.

Getting off the Train

Look how green the Whomping Willow is, I was here just a month ago and it had no leaves!

On the Tree walk, if you can tell, it is a walk in the tree tops!

A bridge over a long lake. The bridge crosses the short end.

How fast the young do grow!

After the reading I ended up wandering around and toured the smallest palace owned by the royal family, now a preserved site. It is small, less than 20 chambers, with the kitchens in a separate building.

The Queen's herb gardens

Kew Palace from the rear, in the Queen's Garden

So far my favorite places here are Kew Gardens, Hampton Court Palace, and Hathaway Cottage. All of them have extensive gardens and lawns.

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